
Common Pediatric Dentistry Problems: What to Watch Out For

Dentists see all sorts of problems in their line of work, but pediatric dentistry has its own set of unique issues. Children can be more susceptible to cavities and other oral health problems, so it’s important for parents to be on the lookout for these issues. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common pediatric dentistry problems and what you can do to prevent them.

Common Pediatric Dentistry Problems


Cavities are one of the most common problems that children face when it comes to their oral health. Cavities occur when bacteria in the mouth breaks down the enamel on the teeth, which can lead to pain, sensitivity, and eventually tooth decay. Cavities are more common in children because their teeth are still developing and they have a higher likelihood of consuming sugary or acidic foods and drinks.

To help prevent cavities in your child’s teeth, be sure to brush their teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, have them floss daily, and limit their intake of sugary snacks and drinks. You should also take them for regular dental checkups so that any cavities can be caught early and treated before they cause serious damage.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is another common problem that children face when it comes to their oral health. Tooth decay occurs when the enamel on the teeth is damaged, which can lead to pain, sensitivity, and eventually tooth loss. The difference between tooth decay and cavities is that tooth decay is a more serious form of damage that can occur when the enamel is not properly cared for.

Preventing tooth decay is similar to preventing cavities, but it is even more important to be vigilant about your child’s oral hygiene. In addition to brushing and flossing their teeth, you should also have them use mouthwash to help kill any bacteria that could lead to decay. You should also take them for regular dental checkups so that any signs of decay can be caught early and treated.

Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth occur when the enamel on the teeth is worn down, which can lead to pain and sensitivity. People with sensitive teeth may be sensitive to hot and cold foods and beverages. Teeth can become damaged through wear and tear, gums may retreat or develop microscopic fractures, and teeth may develop tiny cracks, exposing the inner structure of the tooth and irritating nerve endings over time. Individuals with sensitive teeth may find breathing cold air to be painful.

To help prevent sensitive teeth, be sure to brush your child’s teeth gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush. You should also have them use toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth.


Gingivitis is a common and mild form of gum disease. It is an inflammation of the gums that can cause redness, swelling, and bleeding. It is caused by plaque buildup on the teeth and gums, and it is one of the most common oral health problems children face. Gingivitis is more common in children because they are more likely to develop plaque on their teeth due to poor oral hygiene.

Gingivitis can be prevented by brushing and flossing your child’s teeth regularly. You should also take them for regular dental checkups so that any signs of gingivitis can be caught early and treated.

Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking is normal in infants and young children and it should cause no permanent problems if it stops by age five. If continued after the age of five, however, thumb sucking can cause problems with the alignment of the teeth and jaws, and it can also lead to misaligned teeth.

To help prevent thumb sucking, you should try to discourage your child from doing it by providing them with positive reinforcement when they don’t suck their thumb. You can also try to provide them with alternative activities to do with their hands, such as playing with toys or fidgeting devices.

Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis, is a common problem that children face when it comes to their oral health. Bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth, and it can be a sign of poor oral hygiene.

To help prevent bad breath, you should ensure your child brushes and flosses their teeth regularly. You should also have them use mouthwash to help kill any bacteria that could cause bad breath. If bad breath continues to be a problem despite a thorough oral hygiene routine, be sure to talk to your child’s pediatric dentist.

The Importance of Caring for Baby Teeth

Baby teeth, or primary teeth, are the first set of teeth that children have. Baby teeth typically start to come in around six months of age and they will eventually be replaced by permanent teeth.

It is important to take care of baby teeth because they help children learn how to speak and eat properly. They also play an important role in the development of the jaws and face.

To help take care of baby teeth, you should brush and floss them regularly. You should also take your child for regular dental checkups so that any problems with their baby teeth can be caught early and treated.

The Importance of Caring for Permanent Teeth

Permanent teeth, or adult teeth, are the second set of teeth that children have. Permanent teeth typically start to come in around six years of age and they will eventually replace the baby teeth.

It is important to take care of permanent teeth because they are meant to last a lifetime. The oral hygiene routine established in your child in caring for their baby teeth will set the expectations in caring for their adult teeth later in life. In addition to regularly brushing and flossing, your child should go for regular dental checkups throughout the remainder of their childhood and adult life to maintain their oral health and so any problems can be detected early on.

Pediatric Dentistry in NC

At our office, we understand that children are not just “little adults”. They have unique needs and their own way of dealing with dental treatment. Our staff is specially trained in providing dental care for children. We focus on preventive care to help each child have a healthy smile that will last a lifetime. In addition to regular checkups, we also provide sealants, fluoride treatments, and patient education on proper at-home care.

We understand that children can be anxious about going to the dentist, which is why we make every effort to create a fun and relaxed environment. Our goal is to make every child’s visit a positive experience.

If you are looking for a pediatric dentist in NC, be sure to contact Southern Dental Associates today. We offer a wide range of services to children of all ages, and we would be more than happy to help you with any oral health problems your child may be facing. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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