The importance of fluoride for children’s dental health cannot be overstated. Fluoride is a mineral that helps to harden the enamel on teeth and make them more resistant to acids, bacteria, and other damaging substances in your mouth. It also strengthens the tooth, making it less likely to suffer from decay or cavities. It can come in many forms but is most commonly found as an additive in public water supplies where levels are regulated by federal agencies like the FDA. If you’re looking for more information on this important topic, please read on!
What Is Fluoride?
Fluoride is a compound that contains fluorine, a natural element. Using small amounts on a routine basis can help prevent tooth decay. In areas where it does not occur naturally, it may be added to community water supplies. It can be found as an active ingredient in many dental products such as toothpaste, mouth rinses, gels, and varnish.
How Does It Prevent Cavities?
Fluoride inhibits loss of minerals from tooth enamel and encourages remineralization (strengthening areas that are weakened and beginning to develop cavities). It also affects bacteria that cause cavities, discouraging acid attacks that break down the tooth. Risk for decay is reduced even more when fluoride is combined with a healthy diet and good oral hygiene.
Will My Child Need Fluoride Supplements?
The pediatric dentist considers many factors before recommending a fluoride supplement. Your child’s age, risk of developing dental decay, and dietary sources of the mineral are important considerations. Infant formulas contain different amounts of fluoride. Bottled, filtered, and well waters also vary in the amount they contain. Your pediatric dentist can help determine if your child is receiving – and not exceeding – the recommended amount.
How Safe is Fluoride?
Using fluoride for the prevention and control of decay is proven to be both safe and effective. Nevertheless, products containing the mineral should be stored out of the reach of young children. Too much could cause fluorosis of developing. Fluorosis usually is mild, with tiny white specks or streaks that often are unnoticeable. In severe cases of fluorosis, the enamel may be pitted with brown discoloration. The development of fluorosis depends on the amount, duration, and timing of excessive fluoride intake. The appearance of teeth affected by fluorosis can be greatly improved by a variety of treatments.
What Type of Toothpaste Should My Child Use?
Your child should use toothpaste with fluoride and the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance. Brushing twice a day (after breakfast and before bedtime) provides greater benefits than brushing once daily. Parents should dispense toothpaste to prevent their young children from swallowing too much. Parents should also monitor their children as they learn to brush their own teeth, ensuring that they are following proper processes and doing it long enough.
How Much Toothpaste Should My Child Use?
For children under two years old, use a smear of fluoridated toothpaste. For those aged 2 to 5 years, a pea-sized amount is recommended.
What Is Topical Fluoride?
Topical fluoride is a preventative agent applied to tooth enamel. It comes in a number of different forms. A dental professional places gel or foams in trays that are held against the teeth for up to 4 minutes. Fluoride varnish is brushed or “painted” on the enamel. Varnish is especially useful for young patients and those with special needs who may not tolerate trays.
Children who benefit the most are those at the highest risk for decay. Risk factors include a history of previous cavities, a diet high in sugar or carbohydrates, orthodontic appliances, and certain medical conditions such as dry mouth.
Have Questions?
If you have any questions regarding fluoride supplements for your child, don’t hesitate to ask your pediatric dentist. At Southern Dental Associates, we are more than happy to help answer any questions you may have regarding your child’s dental health and whether fluoride supplements may be right for them.